ExtractWizard, useful for the extraction of any archives using a simple and flexible interface.
As the name suggests, this extraction wizard tool for archives is one of the most reliable solution. This handy and useful application supports more than 55 archive types that include: Sfx, SfxExe, 7z, Ace, Arc, ArcExe, Arj, ArjExe, Bh, BhExe, Bz, Bz2, Bzip2, Cab, Cpio, Deb, Dmg, Enc, Gz, Gzip, Ha, Hfs, Iso, Jar, Lha, LhaExe, Lzh, LzhExe, Lzma, Mim, MsGz, Pak, PakExe, Pk3, Pk_, Rar, RarExe, Rpm, Split, Swm, Tar, Taz, Tbz, Tbz2, Tgz, Tpz, Uu, Uue, War, Wim, Xar, Xxe, Z, Zip, ZipExe, ZipMV, Zoo, ZooExe. This wizard application includes various features using environment variables, saving the latest values for future use and using preset values created in SFXWizard for exe, sfx, zipsfx.
This reliable tool with superior performance and various features also provides useful instructions in multiple languages.